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The BIG Picture of God's Purpose and Your Destiny

RESURRECTION... This is the Grand Story God reveals to us through the Bible. Many are unfamiliar with this narrative. Others know fragments, but not the whole. This book is a doorway into that Great Story.


Journey through time and eternity to uncover God's purpose for humanity. Discover why Jesus had to die and how his resurrection changes everything for those who believe! An amazing destiny awaits all who come into God's coming kingdom through Christ...


In this Revised and Updated 2nd Edition: The Story of Resurrection, Study Guide, Scriptural references and articles to help you grow in your walk with Christ. 





A 40 Day Journey with Jesus

Around Easter, we often focus on the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

But once the day passes, we go back to 'life as usual'. The disciples tried to do the same, but Jesus interrupted them. This book seeks to recreate that period of divine interruption.


It's an overlooked part of the Story, really, the 40 days between Jesus' resurrection and his ascension back to heaven. It's a footnote most of us read without a second thought, but during this time Jesus used the Scriptures to further reveal his identity, his coming kingdom and humanity's place in it.


What would happen if you took 40 consecutive days to focus on Jesus and his teachings? How would your life change? Read this devotional and find out.



The New Workplace Terminology You Have to Know

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5 Signs Your Organization Must Change Its Workplace Culture

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The Secret for Ongoing Motivation

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Why Hard Work Is Not Enough

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